
Endometriosis Associated with Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals

A 2020 study strongly associated exposure to phthalates, bisphenol A (BPA) and other endocrine disrupting chemicals with endometriosis. Hormone disorders are on the rise from exposure to chemical hormone disruptors that mimic estrogen. Endometriosis is estrogen dependent and not only interferes with women's fertility, but their overal quality of life. Recent studies link benzophenone and other xenoestrogens to endometriosis. Benzophenone-3 (also called oxybenzone) is one of the main UV protectants used in sunscreen and cosmetics and should be avoided.

Phthalates Linked to Endometriosis

A peer reviewed study suggests that endometriosis is linked to xenoestrogens known as phthalates.